Cervical Cancer | FAQs
Q 1 What are the symptoms of cervical Cancer ?
Presenting symptoms can be excessive vaginal discharge which may be foul smelling , Irregular bleeding ( intermenstrual) , Postcoital bleeding ( after Intercourse) ,postmenopausal bleeding .
Q 2 What are the risk factors of developing Cervical Cancer ?
Early age at first sexual intercourse ,Having multiple sex partners, HPV infection , a viral infection sexually transmitted , Poor Hygiene ,Poor Socioeconomic condition, Smoking , Use of oral contraceptive pills .
Q 3 Is there any screening modality for cervical cancer ?
Yes , PAP smear and HPV testing
Q 4 When and from what age should I do pap smear testing ?
Pap smear testing alone should be started from 21 year of age.
Q 5 How frequently it should be done ?
PAP smear testing should be done every 3 yearly until the age of 65 years of age.
Q 6 Is there any other test for screening in addition to pap smear testing ?
Yes HPV DNA testing , co testing , i.e after 30 year of age both HPV and PAP smear testing should be done every 3 yearly till the age of 65 years .